big tsunami hit Asia by the end of 2017?

NASA INFO please read. There is a bad marker on the bottom of the sea penang, fishermen harvest pek chio (tau the) .3000ton lbh, fish ni hny trdapat in the middle is usually very rare, fish tau te busy to tepilaut, seabed sea marker there leak could be a tsunami? This fish is only found in the deep sea (chim hai) usually. Bad markers in Penang. Little fishermen catch a few tons of "Tea Tau" in a place Behind the Island. It is indicated that something under the sea 😱

Should not be there to Penang or Medan.slain it mount Sinabung hmpir every day erupsi.Skarang cloudy evenly ..
NASA is tracking the status of the storm and says there will be a bigger storm towards Penang within 2 days. So please let your family members in Penang not to go out. Stay indoors or move to a safer place. Please share this information with all your Family, Relationships and Friends in very serious. Please note.Unless the wind blows into the side of Vietnam or Penang will be hit again.


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